Wednesday, July 28, 2010

In print heaven

There are two not-to-be-missed print exhibits in the area:  Incised, Bitten and Gouged:  Twenty Years of Printmaking  includes work by Kim Laurel and co-members of the Chicago Printmakers Collaborative, as well as members of Anchor Graphics.  Reception is July 30, 6-9PM at the Ukrainian Institute for Modern Art, 2320 W. Chicago Ave.  The exhibit runs through September 12.  (Gallery hours:  Wed.-Sun. 12-4, Info)

Other CPC artists are Hiroshi Ariyama, Alex Chitty, Carlos Cortez, Tony Fitzpatrick, Christine Gendre Bergere, Michael Goro, Dan Grzeca, John Himmelfarb, Elise Hughes, Carrie Iverson, Alan Lerner, Doris Maris Lader, Duffy O'Connor, Dennis O'Malley, Mary O'Shaughnessy, Artemio Rodriguez, Jeff Sippel, Megan Sterling, Anatole Upart, Charlie Van Gilder.
Participating Anchor artists are Eric Avery, Michael Barnes, Paola Boncinelli, Andries Botha, Steve Campbell, Nicholas Conbere, Tim Dooley & Aaron Wilson, Steve Heyman, Teresa James, Roland Kulla, Louise LeBourgeois, Anne Muntges, Ed Paschke, Hollis Sigler, Brian Sikes, Nicholas Sistler, Eleanor Spiess-Ferris,  Fred Stonehouse, Ian Weaver, Karl Wirsum.

Kim also has work in an 8-person exhibit of  Chicago Printmakers Collaborative members at Fermilab Art Gallery (Wilson Hall)  in Batavia, through Sept. 7.

In addition, the two Woman Made Gallery print exhibits Category: Printmaking and Her Way with Print continue through August 26.  (See July 14th  post for details.)

Scroll down for more summer shows.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

S-s-s-s-still s-s-s-s-sizzlin'

Sharon Swidler rolled out her new website this week.  Be sure to check it out: .
S. Swidler, February 14, 2010:

Robert Kameczura sent a link to an article about From Here to Paradise, the Mythopian Artists group exhibit at the College of Lake County (scroll back to the July 7 post for more information).

George C. Clark has a painting in the 2010 Midwest Air Force Artists Exhibition at the Pritzker Military Library (610 N. Fairbanks, 2nd floor).  Nineteen artists created 47 pieces to be included in the Air Force Art Collection.  9AM-5PM, M-F, through Aug. 20.  In October, this exhibit and others from around the country will be combined in a large show at the Air Force Museum at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio.
G.C. Clark:

Marianna Buchwald announces that she is now on Facebook.

Attention all CWCA members:  here is the prospectus for the upcoming members' exhibit Chicago Art - Urban Pulse, to be held in October at the Tom Robinson Gallery.  Arlene Rakoncay urges all members to enter, and, if you're not a member, why not join?

Here are images of members' work in Skins, 3-D-12's sculpture exhibit at the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center in Michigan (scroll back to July 14 post for more information):

P. Gray, A. Hicks, J. MacRoberts, S. Gilchrist:

M. Stone, R. Putnam:

M. Peterson:

R. Ho:

B. Kamhi, E. Steele, S. Gilchrist, A. Hicks, J. MacRoberts:

Ruyell Ho is pleased to announce that his daughter Amanda Ross-Ho will be exhibiting in a four-person show at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, opening September 28.

Attend Chicago Danztheatre's Summer Soiree on July 22 at Th!nkArt Salon.  Info.

Two exhibits are opening at ARC Gallery, 6-9 PM July 23rd:   The Owing, an interactive installation by Judith Joseph, and  The Fabric of Space, oil paintings by Heather Brammeier.  832 W. Superior, #204, through August 14.

There's more . . . just scroll back!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

S-s-s-s-s-sizzlin' . . .

Kim Laurel is participating in an invitational exhibit at Woman Made Gallery, Her Way with Print, with five other Chicago artists.  The exhibit includes work created by both experimental and traditional printmaking techniques.  Exhibit continues through August 26th.  Info.

K. Laurel, Imperial Panel 4
Monoprint on Dura-Lar

Maureen Warren's monotypes were juried into Summer Heat, at the International Print Center in New York, July 13-August 13.  Reception July 15th.  508 W. 26th St., NY, NY.
Also, in June, Maureen received a Purchase Prize in the Reflections exhibit at the South Haven Center for the Arts in Michigan.

3-D 12, a group of 11 Chicago area sculptors, is presenting its exhibit Skins at the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center in Michigan, July 16 - August 13th.   Jim MacRoberts, Beth Kamhi, Alan Emerson Hicks, Michelle Stone, Robert Putnam, Ruyell Ho, Shelley Gilchrist, Mimi Peterson, Peter N. Gray, Eric Steele and Bill Moll are exhibiting in the show.  Opening reception July 16th.

George Berlin is having a 90%-off sale of his work (100+ paintings) at Gallery 203, 1579 N. Milwaukee, July 17, 1-5PM.

Keep real cool.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's never too hot for . . .

 . . . an eclectic arts evening!  On Friday, July 16, a group exhibit by artists and poets representing multiple cultures will be held at North Lakeside Cultural Center.  The evening includes live music by Kathryn Gauthier (folk), Victor Cueller (latin guitar), Tom Ehnle (classical piano),  and mask improvisation by Marianna Buchwald

It's a great chance to view, listen, stroll, and stop for a nosh at the Waterfront Cafe.  6 PM - 10 PM, 6219 N. Sheridan, Chicago.

Sandra Holubow is showing Genesis, a mixed-media work, in the summer American Jewish Artists Club exhibit A Gathering of Waters at the Beverly Arts Center, 2407 W. 111th St., Chicago, through August 7.  Reception is Sunday, July 11, 12:30 - 3PM.  (773) 445-3838.

Sandra also has a 4' x 10' acrylic painting Buffalos in Seasons  in the collection of the Mantle Rock Native Education and Cultural Center, Henderson, Kentucky.  This Cherokee Tribe is part of the historical Trail of Tears.
S. Holubow, Buffalos in Seasons:

Maureen Warren invites cardboard art fans  to the Cardboard Art Show (presented by the Birdhouse Museum at the  Co-Prosperity Sphere), 5PM - Midnight, Saturday, July 10.  3219 S. Morgan in Bridgeport.  Maureen's work includes kimonos made of chopsticks and . . . cardboard.  Lots of live music and cheap art.  Bring cash.

George C. Clark will be teaching Miniature Rustic Twig Chair workshops on Friday, July 9 and Sunday, July 11 during the Woodlanders Gathering weekend at Shake Rag Alley Center for the Arts in Mineral Point, Wisconsin.
G.C. Clark:

The Mythopian Artists' Group presents From Here to Paradise, an exploration of the concept of Paradise,  what it might be, and how to get there, at Robert T. Wright Gallery, until August 13.  Opening reception Friday, July 9, 7-9 PM, with live music.  Members Robert Kameczura, Kim Laurel and James Mesple are among the seven Mythopian artists who are showing in the exhibit.
College of Lake County, 19351 W. Washington St., Grayslake.  Info:

Scroll back for more summer news.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Make art? Play in the sun? (choose one)

Didier Nolet's exhibit H2O, Water, Aqua, Eau opens at the Heller Nature Center July 3rd, and runs through August 8.  The opening reception will be July 10, Saturday, 1-4 PM.
Nature Center hours are M-F 8:30-5, Sa 9-3, but call the Heller Nature Center if you want to see the exhibit at times other than the opening reception:  (847) 433-6901.
2821 Ridge Road, Highland Park

D. Nolet:

Shelley Gilchrist's work was selected by Joseph Carroll for the Juror's Award at Flow and Control, an exhibit at Montserrat College of Art in the Boston area.  Ken Gold also had work in the show, and it was discussed at a gallery talk, Current Trends, at the concurrent Annual National Encaustic Conference held at Montserrat.   Lynette Haggard interviewed Shelley and Ken in her ongoing series of blogposts about artists using encaustic.

S. Gilchrist, Cascade Range, Copper Falls:

K. Gold, Cactus Man:

A First Thursday Gallery Walk is today, July 1, 1-4 PM in the Loop.  Sponsors are the Chicago Loop Alliance and the CAC.  Check it out!

29 East Madison, Chicago Photography Collective
Chicago Eats
Curated by Patty Carroll and Eric Futran

208 South Wabash
Work by Angela Garbot and Kate Friedman

220 South Wabash
Of South Mind
Installation exhibit by Jonah Ortiz

240 South State
Finding the Future
Sculpture by Jason Brammer and Jason Hawk