Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blogteam hits the trail

With winter coming on, it's time for Shelley Gilchrist, the Artists' Breakfast Group's "blogteam",  to dowse the fire, fold the tent and saddle up Old Paint.  The days are short and the trail is long.
If a member wants to set up camp and try out the blog ride before the embers cool, please write to 

(photo by RodericE)

Kathy Weaver is exhibiting her quilts of robots in the H.F. Johnson Gallery of Art exhibit Marvelous Toys and Fabulous Things at Carthage College, Dec. 1-17, Jan. 5-22. Opening reception is Friday, Dec. 3, 4:30-7:30. The College Christmas Festival concert starts afterward.  Other artists in the exhibit are Bill Reid, Valerie Weberpal, Rachel Klees Anderson, David Holmes and Marilyn Ward.
2001 Alford Drive, Kenosha, WI.  262-551-8500, or .

Kathy Weaver, Shaky

Anita Miller Gallery is having a Holiday Gift Show of jewelry, glass objets d'art and paintings.  Opening party is Dec. 10, 6-9PM, with an informal magic show starting at 7PM.
Show continues on Dec. 11, 1-4PM; Dec. 5-8 and Dec. 23.   410 S. Michigan Ave., #827.  Info:  847 767-6875 or .

Lasso the Moon at Anita Miller Gallery

Chicago Printmakers Collaborative is having its 21st Annual International Small Print Show and Holiday Open House.  Opening Party:  Dec. 4 and 5, 11AM-7PM (both days).  Show continues Tuesdays thru Sundays, Dec. 7-19, 12-5PM.  773 293-2070 or .
4642 N. Western Ave.

Kim Laurel, monotype

There is a closing holiday reception for the Richard Hunt: A Force of Nature exhibit at Th!nkArt Salon, Thursday, December 16, 5:30-9PM. 
RSVP: 773.252.8672 ext. 305, or  1530 N. Paulina, Suite F
